Contributed Karmafy Points
Supporters: -,---,---
Games Donating to Charity through Karmafy
Charitable Impact
733 people safe clean water for life
1487 m² of land cleared from landmines
213989 days of fruit and vegetables
9279 days of lighting for a rural villager
8389 days of school
19922 days of play for children
24 people health insurance for a year
Reward and empower your players with free charitable giving directed to charities and initiatives they feel passionate about.
Players Love the Game
Playing a game with Karmafy is both fun but also inspiring as the player gets tangible feedback on what good the player has done by supporting the good cause. Play & Do Good!
Developers Make Money
Even though the developer is donating a part of the revenue to charity, the more engaged players who care about the game will result in a net positive effect on the developers bottom line.
Charities Get Financing
The high-impact philanthropic organizations/charities that the developer shares revenue with will have a direct positive impact in the communities where they are active and across the world.